Monday, March 28, 2011

Favorite Website

What is your favorite website to go to and why?

Write a comment that posts a link to that website and write a couple of sentences telling other students what you like about that site and what they should do there!

Here is my example:

Right now I've been having a lot of fun learning all about The Gold Rush and playing the Strike it Rich! game on the PBS website. The link to play the game is:

On that page, click on the Strike it Rich title right under the picture of the map of California. When you play the game you get to pick a character who comes to California during the Gold Rush and you have to make choices about whether to mine for gold or start a business, what to buy with your money, and when to save your money. Sometimes there are unfortunate accidents like fires but hopefully you can make it through the game alive and strike it rich!


  1. I think we should do more art projects,in class.Such as drawing,building valcanoes ,and even more.We should also be doing lots of more sience.Like makeing explosive valcaneoes with baking soda. Or even makeing a big map of the state that is made out of clay.And more cool stuff.


  2. My favorite website is i do not know.Ilike website that have games.I think we should do fun thing.I like a lot of website.I like to play football.We should do art and a lot of fun thing.

    Alan LOPEZ

  3. I think we should do more stuff like drawing,and making paper volcano.And we could play outside playing soccer,or baketball.Also we could go on the computer and play Strike it Rich.And i like games that are fun.My favorite thing to do is having fun and playing games.And we could go on fun fun feild trips.

    Kioni Atalig

  4. my favorite website is because you could play a lot of games and have a lot of fun.And i like thise web site because i like to play shake it up games. wendy,

  5. my favorite web site is disney .com because you could go on shake it up games or more fun games you even could play tangel games.


  6. My favorite website is because it is fun to play. You can even play any kind of game,like learing games or other games. my favorite game is tangel because you get to dres her.


  7. My favorite game is the goldrush beacuse is so fun lerning about it. Stike it Rich is when you could pick a guy and you could get gold. umust buy a knife and a hat so you don't die.


  8. My favorit website is disny channel because you can play fun games like shake it up andyou can hear. You can read books.

    By Isabel

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My favorate website is becaus i can play tangled,pair of kings,sonny with a chance,good luck carlie,shake it up,fish hoooks and so much more if you people hear about this website you will like it also you can wach movies. Briana Cardiel

  11. My favorite website is because you can vote for BigTimeRush,and some more and it has a lot of games. miguel

  12. My favorite website is iCarly because you could play alot of fun games.Last time I played sam`s serfing it was alot or fun.Me and my brother played catch could even watch videos. By Diana
