Monday, April 18, 2011

Guest blogger!!

Hi room 24! I am with 8-year old Liam and he is going to be a guest blogger! He has a couple questions for you guys to answer in the comments. Here he is:

What is your favorite subject in school? Do you like science?

What is your favorite color?And why?

4 year old Drew would like to know:

What's your favorite food?

Add your answers to the comments. :-)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Keep moving foward...

I just re-watched one of my favorite movies of all time-- Meet the Robinsons!
There are so many reasons I love this movie, but one of the most important reason is that I love seeing all the different ways that people imagine the future! In the world of Meet the Robinsons, the future is filled with all sorts of amazing inventions like time machines, buildings that can be built in seconds, traveling by bubble, etc.

So in the comments for this post, I would like to know what you think is going to happen in the future! Really take the time to let your imagination think up all sorts of possibilities!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

I wonder....

As I was a kid I spent a great deal of time wondering about the world. I wondered how big our universe really is and with all those galaxies, could there be other life forms? I wondered what it was like to live in ancient Eygpt or Greece. I wondered what people were doing in other countries of the world because they would be living at the opposite time and season as I was. There were many more questions, but I'll save those for later. :-)

So my question to you is, what do you wonder about?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Favorite Website

What is your favorite website to go to and why?

Write a comment that posts a link to that website and write a couple of sentences telling other students what you like about that site and what they should do there!

Here is my example:

Right now I've been having a lot of fun learning all about The Gold Rush and playing the Strike it Rich! game on the PBS website. The link to play the game is:

On that page, click on the Strike it Rich title right under the picture of the map of California. When you play the game you get to pick a character who comes to California during the Gold Rush and you have to make choices about whether to mine for gold or start a business, what to buy with your money, and when to save your money. Sometimes there are unfortunate accidents like fires but hopefully you can make it through the game alive and strike it rich!


I am just beginning my second week in a wonderful 4th grade classroom and I have created this blog to give my students an opportunity to share their ideas, stories, and work! I'm hoping that it will encourage an interest in writing via technology and provide for a great deal of excitement and fun!

So I would like to hear from my students...what would you like to share on the blog? Pictures, stories, artwork? Let me know your ideas!